Pitch a Tent 2011 confirmed Date

Friday, February 15, 2008

Saturday A Rugby Day - Augusta

So as you guys know its a home game. So we need to run fast, and play hard.

Rugby Team: Meet at 10:00 am
Kick Off ; 1:00 PM


Chattanooga VS Augusta

Direction to home game:
Click Here for all the info

Message from Coach:


I have copied you with the contact list. It is as update as I have. If I am missing anyone's information please e-mail it to me.
Saturday is our first home game against Augusta. I am making some changes which I think, in the long run, are going to make us more of an attacking team. I expect us to compete very strongly tomorrow.
Meeting time is at 10:00am at the Rossville field. I don't recall anybody telling me they will not be there, so I am planning on seeing a full squad. You now have everybody's contact info, so take it upon yourself to call around and get players there.

See you tomorrow,


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