Pitch a Tent 2011 confirmed Date

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Field Prep for Nooga Members


Pitch a tent 7’s will be held JULY 25, 26, 27. This is our main fundraiser for the year and so everyone who has been involved with the club the past year is required to help run the tournament. We need you all to do one of three things.

1.Field prep the Saturday before 7/19 ( I need 10 of you for this)

a.Setting up the field’s

b.Getting the campgrounds ready

c.Setting up lights

2.Concessions ( I need 10-15 of you for this)

a.Running the concession’s table

b.Selling t-shirts

c.Running the score board

d.Score keepers

3.Sunday cleanup(I need 5-8 of you for this)

a.Cleaning up Sunday

b.Collecting the free/leftover camping equipment(keeping the spoils of the weekend)

If you do not sign up then you will be assigned.

There will be rafting Friday 7/25 through OAR. Please contact them for schedule and pricing. Mention The rugby tournament to get the correct times and price.

Additional information can be found on the website.


Click here for Field Prep

Pitch Tent Seven's

Wayne Anderson
Chattanooga RFC

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Info !!!

So far we have 9 womens teams confirmed and 7 mens with several emails saying we are sending a check. - Jack Head

I am have a few problems keeping everything up to date. (Just with the Blog) But the Website is up to date and much as possible. So I will have things fix here and there.