Pitch a Tent 2011 confirmed Date

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pitch a Tent Update list

Below if the Current list of who is playing this coming weekend (List update  20/july/2011)
Men’s Division (30 of 32 spots filled)                 Women’s Division (17 of 17 spots filled)

Men's Teams
Chattanooga Memphis
Chattanooga Old Boys Georgia Tech
Fathletics Team Bigote
Savannah Pensacola
Columbia Olde Grey Southern Illinois U.
Scrumdog Millionaires Charlotte Barbarians
Team Ohio Atlanta Old White
Sewanee Cape Fear
Piglets Knoxville
Griz7 High Country
Louisville Auburn
PCB Hurricanes Okaloosa
Gainesville Tramp Stamps Mississippi State U.
BRAMAS River Valley Vipers
U. of Alabama @ Birm.

Women's Teams
Memphis Flamingos
Southern Exposure
U. of South Alabama
U. of Georgia
U. of Alabama
Atlanta Harlequins 1
Atlanta Harlequins 2
Ball State Flamingos
Lexington Black Widows
Okaloose Island Whores

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Noogarugby.com is UP to Date !!!!

Please click here for the webpage.

So all the Infomation should be uptodate over there. I will update the Stuff here on the blog with the current info just in case.

If you have any questions or need some more info, I will still take E-mails:
ianjamescooper86@hotmail.com - and put in the subject " Chattanooga Rugby " (This helps me for my e-mail filter)
Note: If you do not use that subject line, it may go to my Junk mail and I get 200 a day, so hard for me to check e-mails. Thank you

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pitch a Tent Blog page Update

Please check on the Link above or Click here with some new update for the Pitch a Tent (2011) for those who haven't heard of anything . If you have gotten the E-mail Flyer, this is still the same information and nothing new is added.

confirmed date for Pitch a Tent;  July 29-30 ,2011

So if you need to let me no of something please (Information) :
ianjamescooper86@hotmail.com   and put in the subject " Chattanooga Rugby"(This helps me for my e-mail filter)

Note: If you do not use that subject line, it may go to my Junk mail and I get 200 a day so hard for me to check. Thank you

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pitch A tent Info

First Again I would like to apologies as I haven't been on this site in a long time. But I am hopping to get this Bad boy up and running again with some help from Current Player.

Anyways on to business.

We are having some Problem with the Pitch a Tent Site at the moment. And are trying to get everything working again. But for the mean time I think I am going to up date this site again with Info. As this is faster to update small info.

So please stay tuned and I should have more stuff up sometime this week / Next week (No weekend as I am in England for the Seven's tournament)

UPDATE: confirmed date for Pitch a Tent ,July ,29-30 ,2011

So if you need to let me no of something please :
ianjamescooper86@hotmail.com   and put in the subject " Chattanooga Rugby"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello Nooga fans and Nooga Member

I am sorry for not having any updates in a long time. And this is due to I am under a lot of work. I am trying to convert some member over here on the blog to help me. But so far it has been un-successful. I am hopping but  the end of March 2011 I should be able to have everything running again with all the info you love and enjoy.

Such as: Rugby Video's, Schedules , Pitch a Tent , etc..

As of right now if you have any questions message me at ianjamescooper86@hotmail.com and make sure to have the Subject " Chattanooga Rugby " in the message.