Andrew Millward is a full time professional prop for the Ospreys, the Heineken Cup team providing the bulk of players to the current Welsh squad. Andrew is, moreover, a WRU level 3 coach. He spoke to me last year about some of the current techniques used by front rows at the top of the game.
1. Engage and chase quickly
At the top level scrummaging is an intense business. "Three second scrums" are the aim (apart from for pushover tries), so the ball is in and out quickly. All the effort comes from the engagement and beyond.
Too often, though, sides across the board stop on the engagement. In fact they should be driving forward as soon as the shoulders touch.
At the Ospreys, we concentrate on the speed of our feet movement going forwards, using quick, short steps. Calls certainly help with our timing. We use "hit, 1, 2, 3, 4", and then a quick step "1, 2, 1, 2". My main piece of advice here is sharpen up your calls.
2. Four locks together
Binding by the flankers at scrum time can be very random. On lots of different levels this can disrupt the scrum effort.
If a flanker can give me some support, then I have more weight behind me. From a communication and timing point of view, if everyone is scrummaging together, we will be better off.
We get our flankers to bind onto the locks BEFORE the locks bind onto the props. This avoids flankers binding late as they wait to find out the back row or backs moves. All our calls therefore need to be sorted out in advance of the binding.
3. Second row binding options
A long armed lock can struggle with binding through the legs. When the shove comes on, their arm can slip forwards and their shoulder disengage from the best pushing position on the behind of the prop.
My solution here is to turn their hand around, so the palm faces away from my shorts. This grip is more like an Olympic lift position, with the hand still wrapped in the drawstring area of the shorts.
4. All change for 5 metre scrums
I always like to try something completely different for a 5 metre scrum. I will use a tactic I have yet to use in the game, like changing the angle of my driving. Their prop won't know what to expect and I will hopefully gain the advantage.
With the 5 metre scrum being so crucial and dangerous to the defending side, this difference can cause the sort of disruption which increases pressure on the whole defence. But I save the tactic for when it's needed. If we don't have a 5 metre scrum I might not use the technique during the game.
5. Boss your opponent
What should I do at the first scrum of the game? Wait to find out how the other guy is going to scrummage, or impose my own style on him? These days I don’t wait.
I am lucky enough to have video analysis and so can look at and prepare an action plan for most of the props I might be playing against. Most props don't have these benefits, but they can consider two things come match day.
First, even if they don't know their opposite number's playing style, they can look at their body shape to give them some clues. In the most simple terms, the big guys will use their weight, whilst the smaller props will use technique.
Second, they want to give the other player the problems. And that is "problems" plural, because it's easier to scrummage against a prop who always does the same thing, no matter how good they do it.
So I suggest that your props learn to vary their approach for each scrum.
Support Play to Speed Up Your Attacks
When the ball carrier gets tackled to the ground, the support player is faced with two key decisions - play the ball or form a ruck. Paul Tyler looks at helping your players make the best decision depending on what is in front of them.
The support player needs to be close to the ball carrier before and during contact, offering physical support without overrunning the ball. He should communicate helpfully, where he is and what he wants the ball carrier to do. For instance, "stay on your feet", or "go to ground".
If the ball carrier cannot pass the ball away, once tackled to the ground he must place the ball as far back as he can towards his team, to give the support player options.
Option 1: pick and run - If there are no defenders nearby, the support player should pick up the ball and run straight.
Option 2: pick and pass - If there are defenders close by, the support player should pick up the ball and pass.
Option 3: ruck - If there are defenders so close by that the support player does not have the time to play the ball, he should form a quick ruck.
Pick and run exercise
The ball carrier goes to ground as if tackled and places the ball back. The first support player picks up the ball in a low position and passes to the second support player. This player takes the ball on for a few metres, then goes to ground so the exercise can be repeated.
Decision making exercise
Involve a defender in the above exercise, placed either 3 or 5 metres from the "tackle". If the defender is close, the support player should make the decision to pick and pass. If the defender is further away, the support player should make the decision to pick and run. You can vary the defender's position and the pace they move forward to increase the pressure.
You can develop this exercise further to practise quick ruck ball, by getting the defender closer to the ball carrier so the support player doesn't have time to play the ball.
Developing a quick ruck
When developing a ruck, the support player must tell the ball carrier they're going to form a ruck and then when to go to ground. After the ball carrier goes to ground, the support player should target and clear away the closest defender, with the intention of leaving the ball clear for the next support player.
As the attacking team you should commit as few players as possible to the ruck to win the ball. This gives you more options for the next attack.
Worst case scenario
You should drill your players to see slow ruck ball as a failure in attack, because it usually means the support players were too far away, or that the ball carrier was isolated or fell in a bad position.
Key points to slow ruck ball
* It is difficult to attack from a slow ruck since the defence has time to get organised.
* It doesn't matter if the ball then gets slower! So take your time and get organised for the next phase.
* Don't commit even more players to the ruck. Instead make sure your players are ready to win the ball at the next phase.
* Have a plan to create quicker ball at the next phase and then execute it.
(The world's best rugby coaching advice. Rugby Coach, Meadow View,)
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