Pitch a Tent 2011 confirmed Date

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fw: Wild In The Streets

Got this as a E-mail, pretty interesting.


My name is Stacie Havemeier and I am contacting you on behalf of a community outreach to rugby clubs around the U.S. in an effort to get the word out on a new documentary called 'Wild in the Streets'. The documentary is a celebration and exploration of the historical origins of Rugby, which began with the ancient game of Shrovetide. We would love to have further conversation with you on collaboration for the film, which is in its final stages of production and is looking to be released this coming Fall. 

Below I've included links to our newly revamped website and Facebook page; they have some great information about the film and the game! 


Wild In The Streets Official Website

 Wild In The Streets Facebook Page 


Thank you so much for your time and we hope to hear from you soon


Stacie Havemeier