Pitch a Tent 2011 confirmed Date

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rugby Union's new order (New Fall Season Rules)

These are the new Rules for this Season of Rugby.

Grounding of mauls by defending teams: Previously teams were not allowed to collapse a maul. Now they can only do so by pulling another player down between the shoulder and the hips. If they ground it by grabbing their opposition outwith this area, it is still an offence.

Distance from scrums: Backlines must stay at least five metres away from the back of the scrum. Previously, they had to be level with the back foot of the scrum.

Passing back into the 22 to kick for territory: If the ball is passed back to within the 22 from outwith that area to be kicked into touch, there will no longer be any ground gained. However, if the ball started within the player's 22 metre line then it can be kicked into touch for a gain of ground as normal.

No player restrictions at line-outs: Each team's line-out must have at least two players in it, but as long as all players involved fit within the space between the five metre line and the 15 metre line, there is no upper limit. Previously, teams had to have equal or less than their opponents.

Defending line-outs: The receiver at the lineout (usually the scrum-half) must be two metres away from the lineout, while the player in opposition to the one throwing in the ball (usually the hooker) must stand in the area between the five metre line and the touchline but two metres away from the five-metre line. Previously, neither the scrum-half or hooker had to be two metres away.

Pre-gripping in line-outs: Players who are lifting in the line-out no longer need to wait until the ball has been released by the thrower before they grip the player being lifted. This formalises what players were doing in any case.

For the Original Article, Click Here

Guscott and Moore's training tips: Tackling

Check this video for some Tackling Tips.



Check this Link below if you want to read up on the other rules in rugby (not the New rules for this season)


Friday, August 1, 2008

Message from Daniel Kruszewski

We all had a great time this weekend and hell we even got a lil publicity from the walker county messenger. Figures though the star of the article is our newest member Brad Felix. O and Gentleman I am thinking of a family friendly Chattanooga Rugby BBQ and Chester Frost one weekend. I beleive we will have one helluva team this fall and y not start training with a healthy dose of red meat.

Click Link for Article:
Competition, camaraderie fuel rugby players' fires (includes video)

Thanks to Walker County Messenger for the Article